Friday, October 30, 2009

Reading: Urge to Make

"The things we make are our gestures." -Leo Lionni

Reflecting over the process so far, Lionni's thoughts on an uninhibited way of seeing and using "things" is directly related to the collection of objects and mark-making the class has been involved in over the past week. This includes taking an inanimate object and seeing it, not just for its initial or obvious use, and transforming it into a tool. An object isn't entitled to have a sole purpose. As Lionni's paragraph on his collection of book states, "I confess that I have many books in my library that I have never read nor have any intention of reading...when my eyes scan the library the typefaces of the titles, the textures of the colors, and their imagined weight give me a moment very like the pleasure of reading." One doesn't have to judge an object simply by its content (or in my case, its suggested use) but should expand upon it. Searching for these objects with the intent of the creation of a mark has encouraged me to look on items with unconventional motives. This requires asking myself what kind of mark any given object (more specifically, those related to my haiku) will create and learn to appreciate them on a different level.

1 comment:

  1. "One doesn't have to judge an object simply by its content (or in my case, its suggested use) but should expand upon it. " Nice observation. This critical and question-centric approach is something that you should continue to develop and employ in all your design endeavors - not just for "tools".
