Monday, November 9, 2009

Readings and Response

Lupton's Graphic Design the New Basics discusses different aspects of time and motion, how they relate to one another and this technique shown in film/animation/motion graphics as well as how to show a temporal change in print. Motion is simply a change that takes place over time. It can be created through different methods of sequential time, connecting time and space, implied time and actual motion. Although motion can/is applied to print work, it is often seen in animation. Different terms of applying this motion within an animation include tweening and the road runner approach (moving of an element on screen as in ways such as walking onto the screen or appearing suddenly). One can produce different qualities of movement by altering the degree or speed of the change. Position, rotation, scale, shape, color, depth, transparency are all multiple modes of change that can be applied to film/animation as well as static work. The reading also overviewed specifics of animating typography as well as the use of story-boarding and style frame.

Understanding the distinction between bitmap and vector the Vector vs. Bitmap reading evaluated the misunderstandings, pros, and cons concerning the two. Bitmaps include graphics composed of pixels at the exact amount needed for the size of the image. When enlarging an image the computer adds information to compensate for the larger area. This is taken from the information already shown. Because of this addition, the image can appear blurry and low quality. Vectors are composed of lines, points, and curves combined into one image. Because they are mathematical, the programs save information on how the object should be drawn as opposed to how it looks. A vector can be manipulated in any way and still retain its original quality. This could potentially be negative, however, due to the fact that they must remain relatively simple compared to a photograph. When creating vectors, there is a great amount of versatility when presenting an image in different sizes and colors (i.e. logos). Bitmap Pros: Keeps detail and subtitles within an image as well as quality when down sizing. Vector Pros: Good quality regardless of size or manipulation. Bitmap Cons: Information added when enlarging a bitmap is often the culprit for blurry images. Vector Cons: Limited to simple information without small details as well as having a general, unmistakeable "vector aesthetic."

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