Monday, April 12, 2010

Reading Response: The New Basics, Pattern

The rebirth and interest in ornament is apparent in the timeless use of surface pattern. The creation of pattern involves the interaction of three basic forms; "isolated elements, linear elements, and the criss-crossing or interaction of the two" (dots, stripes and grids). Varying complexities can be formed with the combination and repetition of these simple elements (or even just one element) as well as changing color, scale and orientation. Regular, irregular, random or the use of a grid are methods of developing diverse and interesting pattern.

As the process of creation pattern with the icons I have created begins, applying these principles will be especially important as they correspond with the given parameters of the assignment. Taking the icon forms to create "varying complexities" using regular, irregular and random pattern directly relates to the given objectives of harmony, drama, anchorage and relay. Each method requires creating relationships by the combination and separate use of isolated and linear elements using the techniques of varying color, scale and orientation.

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