MX Visual Language Learning: Needs + Solutions, Poster Semi-Final
[Need to be re-framed as needs and solutions]
- How do you find a consistent curriculum?
One curriculum that goes from 1st to 5th grade. Consider examples of other programs like Rosetta Stone and Muzzy as a reference tool.
- How can you learn accurate pronunciation?
Provide enough situations within the curriculum for words about daily life occur. This causes them to make a connection and use what they have learned regularly.
- How can you learn other aspects of the culture through the program (family, culture)?
Establish at least 5+ topics (food, family values, etc) and find connections between cultures and blend into curriculum/games learned in the program.
- How do you work through other school programs (art, etc)
New technology such as touch screens+ will help facilitate this through hands-on games and projects that are shared by both sides.
- When and how do the students practice?
It isn't probable that the students will be able to practice outside of school (in some cases) although they may be able to share with they have learned with their peers that are also engaged in the program. Also, establishing a consistent schedule when using the program.
- How do you become initially connected with the other classrooms?
Online registry, social network for teachers interested in the program.
- What kind of technology will we use?
Touch-screens, ipad, websites (computers with internet connection), iphones, wacom tablet,
- How do you decide the "players" among a classroom full of students (interests, strengths)?
This could either be worked into the curriculum as a game or could be answered simply through the teacher/facilitator choosing and each of the students would be paired based on their already established language skills.
- How does the design engage a young audience?
Fresh, fun colors, creation of characters, easy navigation/interface, legibility, age-appropriate type and content.
- How does the teacher facilitate the virtual experience?
Provide guidance after the program or going through the program (at least for the first couple of times so that the student becomes comfortable with the situation). Also, there may be work that the students must complete after using the program in the classroom that the teacher would then grade. They provide the set-up and environment. This may require a special version for the teacher.
- What types of activities are included in the program?
Games, readings, equations, problems to solve, cooking, art, hygiene, family life.
- How do these activities cross cultures?
Incorporating things like the history, values, schedules, occupations, vocabulary, and geography.
- How do they initially communicate?
Begin through the online registry. Teachers introduce to the classroom before the students actually interact. First "meetings" will begin through name introductions and establishing a virtual "profile" which could later link the children as partners in the program.
- What games might they play on the program?
Matching games, math competitions, spelling bees, geography, vocabulary and pictionary-like games.
- How do elementary schools become a part of this?
First, they must establish a program and foreign language teacher and a connection with another country of the language they wish to learn. They would find this connection through the online registry and/or talking virtually with the teacher from that school.
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